For those who follow me, know that I use Twitter. Those who don’t know that I do, Look to the Right of this page. (That’s Assuming I don’t Change the Layout after I post this!)

Twitter has been described as Mirco-Blogging. It has been compared to a shortened email service and other stuff such as Public Instant Messengers.

One person, Havi Brooks, says that It’s a Bar. An Online Bar. Being called a online Café works too.

Time has put wrote a quote which can be tweeted. (Tweet the act of posting a “Comment”)

Twitter is changing the way we talk to one another and the way businesses relate with clients, all within 140 Characters or less.

If you’re wondering, it’s 130 Characters, before we start substituting words for letters and symbols. Tee Morris uses this quote in the Book called All A Twitter. (Which I say get, not matter what your skill level is.)

After Registering online, I’d recommend you get a Appilcation for your desktop. My Personal Preferance is Tweetdeck, which is quite trick to follow esspecally after getting many Followers, or adding Facebook and MySpace. Most of the other free Twitter programs are good too.

If you’ve got a Data Plan on a smart phone, or a SMS plan that is comabatable. You can use Twitter on a Mobile Cell Phone. SMS or Cell Phone messages are slightly longer. There are usually more than one Program for each major device operating system.

You can even see what posted the message on Twitter. Below is a screen shot a messed posted from TinyTwitter on my BlackBerry Phone. You can see the Link what software is used. This POST is posted as via Twitter Tools and Twitter feed in different accounts.

If you’re wondering what’s the other App on my BlackBerry, It’s TwitterBerry.

NOTICE: Since this was Posted 12 Seconds has Shut down. The attached Video has since be Rehosted, and given subtitles, per the Accessibility options.  The Article text remains untouched execpt for removal of links.

Several groups have added Web-Based applications to run on to be used partly by Twitter. One is 12 Seconds, which offers you 12 Seconds of Video, not the long time YouTube offers. TweetDeck has support for 12 Seconds.

Here is one of the video from the site.

He is my assistant in the office.

Why am I producing a Video when I could be working on the Novel? Actually, the set up is there. I’ve got a Webcam set up above the Monitor and the head set records the Audio. All I need to do is hit record in Tweetdeck. It takes 30 Seconds of my day to complete, unlike YouTube.

2 thought on “Twitter Basics & 12 Seconds – Youtube for Twitter”
  1. Good blog, where did you come up with the knowledge in this piece of content? I’m glad I found it though, I’ll be checking back soon to see what other articles you have.

    1. For this is mainly First hand experience with devices and the services I mention. Most of the stuff I do link partly for reference for you to follow.

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