I think it’s time for a Status Update. But I think it’s appropriate time for an update.

Over the last month, I’ve been producing Taken Wolves videos for a good part of it, You can see edit one of these videos in a previous post. This is partly down to the Game having an event for the duration of August, and the work load for the Taken Wolves basicly quadruple overnight, in addition to the down time brought on by the PC hardware update. It dropped off for a little while, but some work that was seen coming is now taking my time.

My PC, which is has been referred to as “Sharise“, had seen better days. Over the last few months, I had noticed a few issues that required some attention. Due to all the Video rendering I was doing, I noticed that the Computer itself was overheating and forcing a “slowdown” to prevent a either a forced shutdown or permanent damage. Another was that two of my three hard disk where both showing different issues, both had been in almost daily use for nearly 5 years, and where showing signs of age. Replacing both disks would be easy, except that one was the “Boot drive” that had Windows on. So a Fresh install of Windows was going to required. The other “Data” drive was simple, copy the data across to the new drive. Both new drives where larger and slightly faster than the drives they where replacing. As for my cooling solution, the one I had was pretty much the cheapest at the time, as it came with the CPU itself, So £80 got me a better cooler, which works more like a car radiator than some Metal Modern art with a fan on it.

With the computer upgrade taking an good part of a week before I could resume normal operation. Most of the time it was downloading software and making sure it was working fine. This was also while trying to produce 3 videos a week.

Sadly, one loss happens to be the “save files” containing Sammy and most characters in my 3d software. While Sammy and many of the Solen cast are damaged beyond repair, the crew of the Kelly Maire are in a limbo state, but could may be restored back to normal. A younger looking Acacia has survived, along with Vindi and Kat, as these files are even older (as seen above). Sammy and the other Solen characters can be restored over time, but these will require a complete rebuild using the images as a base. I do have some test images that shows more skin than is appropriate for this site.

As for completed Cover images for my books and many of the feature images on this site, I often created a textless higher quality versions of the artwork before uploading them. These high quality images were backed up during the upgrade. A large amount of the images uploaded to this site were modified to work better online compared to the high quality output from the software I use.

As for this weeks image, I’m not sure if the girls understood what I meant by “flattening” the computer. Vindi is ready with a Road Roller. While Acacia and Kat discuss what I really meant.

As for the upcoming months, I have a few things. I rather not go into details here. Hopefully, the videos won’t be the only thing I’m posting.

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