Switch Presentation Reaction
On Thursday 12th January 2017, or Friday 13th, depending on time zone, Nintendo announced in detail about their Next Console the Nintendo Switch. I watched the presentation and kept up…
As some say, words are coming!
On Thursday 12th January 2017, or Friday 13th, depending on time zone, Nintendo announced in detail about their Next Console the Nintendo Switch. I watched the presentation and kept up…
Those who don’t know, I like games. I played quite a few of them in the last year. So here is my Top 10 games that I’ve played in 2016.
Last few weeks, I got to play and beat the one half of the latest Pokémon game pair: Pokémon Sun. I fought familiar faces, the oldest happened to be 20…
Pokémon Global Link has been announced to shut down on November 1st 2016, and the access to obtain certain items also disappears. This is not the first time this has…
EDIT: Since this Article was published, a Nintendo Representative made a statement about the Rumour, and has effectively stated that Nintendo will not be using Android for NX. My original…
All footage and experiences of this Preview has come from Demo and Press outlets. The Demo was time limited to three separate 1-hour long play sessions over Friday 8th May…
The NEW 3DS Hardware released by Nintendo is the updated version of the 3DS handheld. I recently purchased European version of the NEW 3DS, after becoming eligible for an early…
EDITOR NOTE: This is article is “Archived” and is not kept up to date, since that SOPA and PIPA was not enacted on. First, I am not a US Citizen,…