Top Ten Games That I’ve Played In 2020
Another Video. Yes: I knew that video was coming when I made the Plans video. I just hadn’t gotten all the footage of it. As for that link:
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III – Review
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is the third game of the 4 part “Cold Steel” Arc. While I missed doing the first two games, I’m going…
Top 10 Games that I played in 2019
As you may have guessed, I like games. I played quite a few of them in the last year. So here is my Top 10 games that I’ve played in…
Game of the Decade
As you may have guessed, I like games. I played quite a few of them in last decade. So here is my Top 20 games that I’ve played between 2010…
Destiny 2 – Year 1 Review
I’ve been playing Destiny 2 for 2 years, with Destiny 1 for a few years before that. So why haven’t done a review of it yet. Destiny 2 made it…
RGBing my European GameCube for Streaming?
For sometime, I’ve been wanting to get a better Video from my Game Cube. I found a RGB SCART cable a few years back, but there was no way I…
Borderlands 2: Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary Review
Prior to the Release of Borderlands 2: Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary, I’d would have never have guessed that a game with a Sequel that has been out…