Incoming Sale
We are fast approaching Read an Ebook Week, a week that encourages readers to pick up the digital device of their choice and download a new book to read. I’m…
As some say, words are coming!
This is stuff about 2001: A BigNutter Oddity. News and Stuff goes here.
We are fast approaching Read an Ebook Week, a week that encourages readers to pick up the digital device of their choice and download a new book to read. I’m…
But, there’s actually a sale NOW! So this post going Public now! I’m excited to announce that my book, 2001: A Big Nutter Oddity, will be available as part of…
Well, Normally, I’d make an announcement on the week for a sale, that is exclusive to the Paid Subscribers. But, there’s actually a sale NOW! So this post going Public…
Today, my Books are available for free!
The Smashwords 2024 Summer / Winter Sale! is coming! I’m excited to announce that my book, 2001: A Big Nutter Oddity, will be available as part of a promotion on…
The following post is snippet of a longer post on Paid Patreon and Ko-fi users, released on 1st March. Done in February: The Top 10 games that I played in…
I started writing 2001, back in 2001. So I have a copy of the earliest version of part of my book.
Below is a section of a paid Patreon post that covered what happened in July. Please note that this is not the complete post, this covered what happened in the…