I’m doing National Novel Writing Month this November. It’s shortened NaNoWriMo. The Official Goal is to Write 50,000 words in a month on a single Novel. I have several Goals:
- Write 7,333 words before Day 17. This was my score last year.
- Write 25,000 words before the dead line, November 30.
- The official dead line, Write 50,000 words in 30 Days, aka November 1st to November 30th
There is a Official NaNoWriMo Counter, here it is:

Up there is the 50,000 word dead line, the 25,000 in the side bar is similar. For both, Each the size of the bar is the Average number of words remaining that I need to hit final word count on November 30th. Green is what I’ve done, and Red is how much I missed.
Due to the NaNoWriMo site being very unstable during November, and the above image is taken directly from from their site. When the site fails you’ll see a Box with some text in it. I’ve placed a Stat Counter on this site, this is tracks a few things in that the NaNoWriMo Site does not. The data can be a few hours old. This page also contains the data, but in text form.
The Novel is called Times’ Fly.
I’m writing mainly on my “Gaming” Rig. So here are several Tracking apps I’ve got installed, these show what I’ve been doing in addition to word counting! All these Trackers are linked to my page on these sites.
Wakoopa (This Tracks all Programs on my PCs, You want to see yWriter on this list, you may see Media Go and Winamp, as they’re music players.)
Raptr (Tracks Games including Flash Games, shows current, last, top weekly, top All time.)
X-Fire (Tracks games, and uploads Videos)
As a Little Reminder that I’m in the UK and my time zone is GMT.