You may just been looking at the opening chapters to one my books, and I left a link to this page about for more info. I have plans to put that book in to Kindle Unlimited, which means that many Chapters will be forced to removed from other sites, due to Amazon’s Exclusivity rules. Or I’ve already removed a good number of Chapters already.

Solen Masters currently has plans for an “final ending”, but plans can change.

So Where’s the Book?

Honestly, Still being written.

At the time of writing, I’ve got a schedule. Of course, this schedule is guide and may be altered over time.

For NEW Chapters:

  • On Fridays – A New Chapter is released, for paid Patreon and Ko-fi Subscribers, for approximately 1 month of PAID EXCLUSIVITY.
  • On Mondays (A Month Later) – The Paid Chapter will go Live for free Here at – the Patreon Chapter will go public around the time.
  • By Wednesday (After the release) – 3rd Party sites, the delay will be due to their checks, as I’m working on their time tables.
    • As of April 2024: Royal Road, and Scribblehub are authorised to hold a copy.

After Competition of a Book:

  • I will post a DRM-FREE version of said e-book in a downloadable form. This link will be removed before Kindle Unlimited added to a book. As this DRM-free copy will be usually made early on, there may be certain things missing, such as art, and foreword etc, and may contain errors.
    • This will be a downloadable version for you to keep.
    • All I ask is that you don’t post it around, as it will be for “personal” use only.
  • Once the Amazon Kindle and/or Print On Demand editions are ready, I will make an announcement for the following:
    • The Release Date for Amazon/Print Editions, along with purchase links.
    • The date for DRM-Free versions removal for all sites. This date will be some time before I add KU for the same book, which I’d want to get just before launch.

After Release for book:

  • As I will be involved in most Sales, I will try to make announcements for any Sales.
    • It worth noting at this time, I plan to have a 100% off day within the first 90 Days for each book.
    • Book 1 of a series will more likely to get a sale of some sort compared to other books in the series.
    • A Perk within Patreon and Ko-fi is to receive an early notice when sales start. This may be extended to my website Social Media account.
      • In the past, My site, and Youtube Channel do regularly hide this info during a update post or Video.
  • My website, Patreon, Kofi, and some of my Socials will have most news, and some behind the scenes stuff.

So Why Kindle Unlimited?

Kindle Unlimited is very much a low risk option for many Authors. Last few years, my only Sales outside of Freebie days, was Kindle Unlimited “sales.” Also, most of the books that I’ve read in that time was “rented” via Kindle Unlimited Service.

Yes, the main issue is that Amazon demands that I keep the book an exclusive to them while I’m using the Kindle Unlimited features. Yes, There is an out, but generally I have to do it on Amazon’s timetable. After I’m out I’m free to put books anywhere I like, don’t expect the books will return to a particular site. (Be aware, this event may be a few years after I write this post, so there may no site for it to return to.)

Why Patreon/Ko-fi Early Access?

I could ask: Why not? I really like to get paid for this, which is why it’s going to Amazon’s Kindle Store. The old draft of Solen Masters: Acacia’s Silence is about 50 Chapters, which means that Amazon won’t be seeing the book for almost a year. It also means I won’t be able to see any money for it for a year either. Going Patreon and Kofi, will let me earn money and gives me more of reason to work on it.

As for making it Early Access, I’m posting the Novel in other places baring Patreon, Ko-fi and . These other sites don’t like it if you post force users to leave their site to continue the novel, baring the KU Exclusivity. They do allow you let you have early access behind a paywall.

Why not Kindle Vella?

It’s only available for US Authors and customers. As a Brit, I can’t use it at all. Besides, from what I can gather, it only really works if you have a following already.


Given how many Novel sites are, I can’t exactly drop random news blogs posts, and 90% of the time I’d be attaching the news to a novel chapter update. I’m going be putting most of the news updates on here as well, under their own tag, that way you can find all the info.

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