Borderlands 2: Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary Review
Prior to the Release of Borderlands 2: Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary, I’d would have never have guessed that a game with a Sequel that has been out…
As some say, words are coming!
Prior to the Release of Borderlands 2: Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary, I’d would have never have guessed that a game with a Sequel that has been out…
During my Recent Let’s Play I got totally destroyed. I was using the same gear that most New player would have access to at that point with one exception. But…
Given a recent crunch time behind the scenes, I’ve decieded to answer some random questions on Star Trek online, in Video form.
Another Year, and I continue (however late) the Tradition of the Top 10 games of the year.
Back in November I released a review for the Age of Discovery update to Star Trek Online. To enable be to get footage, I recorded almost all my play time…
I have some Money that I must spend soon, on Games. It’s totally not my fault at least in that I must spend it or loose it. In short, Nintendo…
It’s been over 18 months since my Last Pokémon focused article, But that’s more down to the lack of Articles on this site over this year. With Pokemon Let’s Go…
Another Review of the same MMO? This time, It’s all video..