Solen Masters: Acacia’s Silence – Chapter 11

Every week, I’ll be posting a chapter from my book series: Solen Masters. This is a Paid Exclusive for a month in certain places until it’s posted here, before I release it to a Selection of Fiction Sharing sites, such as Scribblehub and Royal Road. Most Chapters for each book will at some point be mostly removed from almost all places.

If you spot a typo, please let me know, so I can correct it before the final release.

Also, Chapter 12 will be delayed until further notice. The next monthly news Post will be out before Chapter 12 will be public.

Nakato Babirye-san didn’t like the way Lady Susana T’lenta was sitting. It reminded her of when Nakato’s own mother was reading letters about Nakato’s less than stellar behaviour. Susana’s Amber eyes with the deep blue fur, happened to match as well. It was not totally unexpected given Nakato was born in to House T’lenta.

Susana folded the letter up, and turned to face Nakato. Nakato could feel her sweat roll down her back, she was hoping that she was standing by the fire could explain the sweating. “Miss Nakato, Could you expand on this?”

Nakato gulped, “No ma’am. Lady Santana didn’t show me it before sealing the letter. After Her Ladyship handed it to me, the letter remained upon my person, sealed until you opened that letter here. I have no idea what is written in the letter. My Job was to deliver it.”

Susana pinched the bridge of her nose, “I see. Miss Nakato, Let’s play a game. If I the letter you presented to me said that there was a threat to Lady Acacia Latione, would you believe me?”

“I could believe it. I doubt that she would be asking me to race here, just to share a fish pie recipe, ma’am” Nakato said.

“As much as I like a good fish pie, I have to agree,” a hint of a smile had appeared on Susana’s lips, “So if the letter hinted said something about an invasion?”

“I’d believe that the letter could say that, but if that was the case, I’d ask if the letter was a hoax or not,” Nakato said.

“That is one way to put it, Miss Nakato. If this letter was about an invasion what would you do?” Susana asked.

“If I could, I’d ride out to see if it was true. However it’s not practical to run off after every lead.”

Susana seemed to play with her walking stick, “I agree, especially with a leg that has seen better days. But if you can’t use your own eyes, what would you do, Miss Nakato?”

“I’d ask someone that I trust to look, or to check if other letters from the same area suggest that there is some troop movement near the border,” Nakato said.

“I see, and if they come back saying that troops are amassing near the border?” Susana’s amber eyes was staring at Nakato again.

“Well, that would depend,” Nakato swallowed. Susana had the same stare as Nakato’s mother, and Nakato had the same reaction, breaking out in a cold sweat, “it would depend on what I had access to, and who I could get the ear of.”

“Alright, play time is over. So who is the Queen of Falanata?”

“Ianthe,” Nakato said almost by instinct, before she remember that she completely wrong, “… heir. That would be… Lily’s Daughter.”

The Sweat-inducing amber stare started up again, “Yes, Ianthe’s Heir, who is Also Lily Iota-Latione’s Daughter…?”

“Acacia..” Nakato said.

Susana sigh, “You should stay up to date with the news, less on the history books. So what did you see on the boarder?”

“There are way too many gray furs to count,” Nakato said.

“Miss Nakato? I hope that isn’t about me!” Susana said.

“No, No. I think I’ve started going gray, I think I’ve seen more summers than you. But it’s the Betusta’s border guards, most of them have been grey for a few summers. It’s not like the Local commander, but it feels like the entire unit has grown beards in the only colour they can,” Nakato joked.

“I see,” Susana held back a chuckle, “But those outside Bethsuta?”

“Well, alot of fresh faced guards, under Gast’s Flag. Way too many that wanted to lift my tail, if you catch meaning,” Nakato signed, “One got to see how quick I’m still am with a sword, before offering to remove the offending item for them. I’ve not see that many armed men since the war.”

Susana groaned, “since the… Oh boy. You were not joking about the gray fur.. You’re a little old to be a messenger, so what are you?”

Nakato sighed, “I could fool most elves, but not one of House T’lenta’s commanders. Let’s just say, the kid busted their leg, and this message had to reach you as soon as possible. As for being even on the roster to go, with no husband to pay for the bills, and having a girl of my own. I’d need to pay off the debts.”

Susana stood up, walked to the door, “Well, I’ve got things to do, as well you. I can pay for the inn if you’re planning to stay the night.”

Nakato said, “I’ll pass. I’m planning to take the long way home, given how Gast like Vedrans. Sooner I get started, the sooner I’d be home. There is one thing: There’s a red head, Vedran-elf cross girl in town, is she yours?”

“No. She’s not one of mine, but I’ve seen her around recently. I take it that she’s caused trouble?” Susana asked, “Even if she’s not one of my house. My word goes some distance with most Vedrans.”

“She was not exactly helpful in getting up the streets. Led me down a number alleys so she could lift my tail without anyone interrupting.. I may be a girl who like’s to take other girls into the sack, but I won’t try again so soon after someone tell me no. I had to foist her off with one of girls by the bath house, with a few of my coins.”

Susana nodded, “I’ll look in to it. I may have other business with her. Anyway, I hope you stay safe, Miss Nakato.”

Susana opened the door. Nakato stepped torwads the door, and stopped, “I’ve got a personal question, and I think you may be able answer: Was there a Nakato within House T’lenta?”

Susana smiled, “I was wondering if you where going to ask that one, after hearing your name. Yes, We’ve had several. Most of them were named after the Second Solen Mistress. However, there was one Nakato who gave up the House T’lenta name, But then you’ve heard of her, The Second Solen Mistress herself was a daughter born in to House T’lenta. My Family can trace my blood line to her brother.”

Nakato nodded, “Thank you. Lady T’Lenta.”

A few minutes later, Nakato was walking down the path to the gate, she felt some pride come to her, as she thought, So it appears that I may be accepted back my home from my childhood again. Too bad, my mother won’t be there to see me return.

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