For the last few years, I’ve been trying to have at least one article added to this site every month. I’ve missed this a few times, usually due to various other commitments, or the lack of a topic worth covering..
This time the topic was done, and it was written.. and as the topic was a Video, it was even recorded, but incomplete. Sadly, I’ve had computer issues that prevented me from working on it…

As you may be able to tell, I’m missing something, the Graphics card (GTX 1060 6GB if you’re wondering), which means I couldn’t see what I was doing, nor I could use the various software..
While I could find a short term solution, the software I have made the Video in requires that I’ve a reasonably new Graphics card. However this was not the only issue I had..
One of the two hard drives, which store the data I use has begun to fail.. While a replacement was sourced quickly, it is taking time transfer the data across from one drive to it’s replacement. And to make it worse… All of the footage I’ve shot is on the failing drive, and I can’t attempt to even access the work in progress until the data transfer is complete..
Which bring up another issue.. My Star Trek Online Let’s Play has been forced to be put on a temporary Hiatus. This video should be ready as soon as possible.
Before anyone asks.. That image was shot before I started Dust clean up..