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2001: A Big Nutter Oddity now available for Amazon Kindle and other eBook Readers at

To those who own an Amazon Kindle, and those who getting one soon, as well most of the people with other eBook Readers, You can now get 2001: A Big Nutter Oddity for your eBook Reader Device.

You can get the eBook FOR FREE! No Strings Attached! (Except for that USB Lead connecting your PC to your eBook Reader)

Download this book at Smashwords:

The Great thing about the SmashWords system is that all the eBooks, including mine, are DRM-Free. It means that you are not locked out of your copy of your book at all, you should be able to get at it almost anytime.

Feel free to leave me a review, I’d like to hear from you.

Just don’t ask me how to get it on a Kindle, I don’t have one, yet.

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