Site icon Mike Sharpe, Writer

Top 10 Games that I played in 2019

As you may have guessed, I like games. I played quite a few of them in the last year. So here is my Top 10 games that I’ve played in 2019.

Unlike last year, we just ran out of time getting the Video made, this is partly due to issues with the Taken Wolves.

But first the rules, While they’re slightly different, the changes are to clarify some rules:

  1. To be eligible for this list, I must have put considerable play time between 1st January and 31st December of that year.
  2. If a Game is rendered unplayable or unable to be purchased, by the time of creating this list, it is excluded. This applies to mostly online games, and certain digital only games. Notably Exclusive games on the Wii Shop channel are included. (Example: Wii ware title: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord)
  3. Baring the ability to buy or play, No release date restrictions are in place to prevent older games to make the list. For example, the Nintendo Entertainment System’s Super Mario Bros. is allowed if I played it, and put in considerable time.
  4. Only One game in a series will represent the game series.
    1. In a few cases, where multiple games in a series (or DLC of one game) was played in the same year: for a Second game in a series to second listing, both games need to stand out separately from the other.
  5. This list is based on what I played, NOT games released in the year. So If I didn’t play your favourite game of the year, don’t be upset and start shouting for your game to be number one, but if you do suggest it, your game may have chance making this list next year.

So no new console nor I had purchased the Xbox one. But I did start a weekly Let’s Play on this Channel. So let’s start this top 10:

10. Pokémon Go – Android (iOS)

Nope, you didn’t misread that a Mobile game actually got here on it’s own. It’s more down to the fact I played more of Pokémon Go than any other Pokémon game.

I barely touched other Pokémon games this year. But I got quite a few steps in so why not take try to catch them all. Sure I did play several other Pokémon games, but Pokémon Go was the most played and the only one I felt comfortable putting here.

While play alot with Let’s Go Pikachu the early part of the year, I just kinda left it soon after I got Fushia City. And Pokémon Sword got so little play time it’s kinda silly to include it.

9. Distance – PC

The “Weird indie” game entry for this year. Sure, It’s actually been missing for since the first. 2017’s Neir: Automata was weird, but certainly no indie game. The two Legend of Heroes games last year aren’t triple A, but then Falcom isn’t really indie either.

So this is essentially get to the finish line type racing game. But there are some twists.. First is that your car has a limited ability to fly and stick to walls.. However flying isn’t always available, and quite often the Road as well.. Also the game takes a turn towards the darker side…

As another player calls this game: “Horror, arcade racing game and futuristic world simulator combined.” This really is the best description of the game I found and I can not think of better.

This was a Humble Bundle Monthly giveaway.

8. Monster Monpeice – PC (Vita)

What you get when you combine a Collectable card game, auto battler and some thing called Rub Mode.. Ok. This is more of a decent game that has a lot of, erm, Fan service thrown in. The game scratches several itches, mostly the same ones you get from Collectable Card games, such as Pokemon TCG and Yu-gi-oh. The other is more of reward for winning, and buffing up …. your deck. Sorry, It is one of those games.

Sure, the Fan Service is there, at least it’s not the only thing keeping you playing.

Wait a Mo is that Neptune from the Neptunia series?

7. Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online – PC (Playstation 4)

Yes, this time we’ve going hack and slashing! This time Neptune has started playing a MMO, with has most of the Neptunia cast along side. This appears to be taking place within an online game, which is the sequel to the one mentioned within other Neptunia games. So it may be “canon” but we’re talking about a game with the 4th wall as a suggestion. Unlike most Neptunia games which is turn based, this is an action RPG. Unlike the some previous side games, where they focused on a Goddess. This game has a doesn’t focus all its attention to a certain character. Which I found surprising as Vert is considered the MMO fan out of the Goddesses, which Noire being the second due to her cosplay outfits.

While this game is technically multiplayer, it’s not support built in to the game isn’t great. Besides the game can be played solo, with computer filling in for the other player characters.

Yes, there was a Iffy Humble bundle for this one, or they gave me money off voucher with that game..

6. Super Smash Bros Ultimate – Switch

Well, as Smash Ultimate was release late last year, it was still fresh early in the 2019, and the rest down to the fact the DLC had really good choices for characters. Every character added was not a clone or an echo of the other character. It got really weird when Microsoft’s Banjo and Kazooie go in. You can now have battles with characters who are truly not Nintendo exclusives.

The new characters where all surprises, and full of references to their home games. Perosna 5’s Joker was a surpise given that only 2 Persona spinoff games made it to Nintendo Consoles, and the game referenced is still a PS4 exclusive. Dragon Quest’s Hero was great reference to the 4 games that featured that particular hero. Banjo and Kazooie felt like they had no hope since Brawl, as they’re now part of Microsoft, but if they did a Banjo Remaster, it would look like this. While never really played any of Terry’s home games, it felt like they gave him alot to make fans of the game feel at home, like they did with Ryu and Ken in the main game.

As I write this the last DLC character of Season 1 isn’t known, but I just hope for not another sword fighter or someone from Fire Emblem.. EDIT: Seriously Sakurai? Fire Emblem Three houses Byleth?

Click the next page for the top 5.

Sniper Elite 3 Ulimate Edtion Box art

5. Sniper Elite 3 – PC (PS4, PS3, Xbox one, Xbox 360, Switch)

Someone once said, “Sniping a good Job, mate.” This time We’re Sniping in Africa against the Nazi’s. As I had played the Previous game, I already had an idea of what to expect. Stay unseen and unheard and be a Ninja.. Half of the time you’re waiting for your time to strike, before you go loud. Then some times you’re firing like crazy trying to prevent them finding and killing you.

It’s is not all hiding then shooting them from a mile away. You often need to sneak in to find some info or plant some explosives.

Like Distance, this was one of the games in the Humble Bundle Monthly deal, but this was one of the bigger titles. I actually picked up Sniper Elite 4 before this one, but played it in 2018, so fails to make it on that time.

4. Trails of Cold Steel 2 – Vita (PS4/PC)

Well, I really couldn’t leave it on a cliff hanger… and according to Sony: it’s my most played Playstation game, yes even more than Destiny 2.

This game starts with Rean waking next to a 14ft MechKnight called Valimar on the side of a mountain, as the previous game ended with Valimar with Rean inside flying off. After a while he has to take the fight to the one of the factions in the Cival war, as they kidnapped his adoptive sister and Princess Aflin.

You soon reunite with Class VII and a few other members of Thors, and start to end the war.

This game really doesn’t do much to alter the previous games formula. As you open up areas, you can revisit them later. You’re even required to visit some of them to progress some required quests. The Battle system has a few changes, mostly due to the addition of Valimar and the promotion of “guest” characters in to semi regular Party members. Unlike most of the previous game, where your team is limited based on story reasons, this time most of the team is left up to you, but characters will leave for story reason, but this isn’t as pronounced.. Some characters got promoted to temporary party Characters, who are temporarily with you story reasons.

I personally recommend NOT starting the series with this game. While Cold Steel 1 is a valid starting point, and where I started, I personally recommend with first game Trails in the Sky trilogy and play the trilogy first. (The First game in the series has no subtitle, but fans give the game a sub title of First Chapter or FC to separate it out from the other two games in the Sky/Liberl Arc.)

3. Warframe – PC (PS4, Xbox One, Switch)

“Ninja’s play for Free” is the Motto here. Sadly, I didn’t really play for free totally, but I got some freebies based on some other things I was paying for.

This game does respect your time, and money. You do end up requiring trading to get certain Cash store items, but most of the items are time savers and avoid the grind.

The game also has many good missions for game. While your character progression is a trickle compared to other games. It takes at least 5 days to even start to unlock a mission that enables you to new set of abilities. This is about half way though the star map you can see in the game. This mission is one of the better ones they added, and opens up alot things that you can only do with the new abilities. I’ll be keeping this ability a secret, it’s a bit thing but nice.

2. Destiny 2 – PS4 & PC (Xbox one)

Well, One of the few games that I played all year.. Partly due to the Taken Wolves of Felwinter. More info about them later.. Well, this year for Destiny 2 was a strange one. Bungie ditched Activision as the Publisher.

Another is that they changed how the game is put out. Gone is the One big drop and more if a regular drip feed of content to the game. Another is the barrier to entry. Previously, you had to buy All of the DLC, for the latest update. I did this for the first two years. This isn’t case now. A portion of NEW content is now temporarily added and removed a few week or month later.

This means there is often something new to play, but it doesn’t mean you’ve got a full hard disk with every piece of content that game has.

They also added Cross save to allow players to resume from where they were on PC or another console. Given that the game is now alot more thing on going, this is helpful for people who have multiple groups of friend on different systems.

Finally, the make the base game, and the first year DLCs free to play with many of the second and third year areas available as well, which means all you can try some of the game before you put cash down. And which is a Reason to try the game.

1. Star Trek Online – PC (PS4, Xbox one)

So with about 50 Episodes on my Youtube Channel, it got here. I would been playing this regardless if I was recording a Let’s Play or not.

This year, we got to see four characters from Star Trek Discovery. The first is Captain Killy, Cadet Tilly’s Mirror Universe counterpart. Then Jason Issac reprises his Role as Captain Lorca, and his Mirror counterpart, with Rekha Sharma reprising Commander Ellen Landry on the Buran. Finally, Anthony Rapp appearing as Holographic copy of Paul Stamets.

So why don’t you start back at the beginning and check my Let’s Play out.

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