Site icon Mike Sharpe, Writer

Paid “December Status Update” Snippet

The following post is snippet of a longer post on Paid Patreon and Ko-fi users, released on 3rd December 2024.

Mass Effect 1 got a put on hold as I didn’t realise how long the Doctor Who Adventure Game was going to be. I’ve not played it for years, so I forgot how long it really was. It also doesn’t help that it’s somewhat buggy! There’s at least one Episode of Doctor Who.

Star Trek Cold Front is now complete. While I’ve put the test I mention last month on hold, as it was taking more time than I had. But it’s something I’ll want to implement in later series. While it’s on hold, I could easily add this to future and some already public episodes. And yes, I’ve started to react to the incoming content for Star Trek Online again.

Solen Masters Book 1: Acacia’s Silence hit a hiatus on the paid early access. Some Good News, it just missed out going Live on the 29th November. so there will be something on December 6th, which also means January 6th for Public users!

All My books also got Sales, with both getting a 100% for a few days.. Sadly, Both are gone!

Like Last month, I’ve been posting almost daily to Mastodon, I’ve been talking about some of the upcoming books. I also comment under the and hash tags. Mastodon similar to Twitter where short message can be posted. Most of my art in high quality is also posted here. As for BlueSky, it’s early days, and I’ve got some research to do before I do some stuff.

With Twitter.. I’ve decided to “Park” the MikeSharpeWritr account until I really have a plan. It was barely getting views. I used to have a “bot” that posted stuff on my behalf, but that’s busted, and I don’t think it’s worth the money to get it working again. (The “Artbot” still works, but I need to effectively set things manually to post Blog and YouTube updates.)

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