Site icon Mike Sharpe, Writer

2001: A Big Nutter Oddity

2001 A Big Nutter Oddity At
2001: A Big Nutter Oddity

Based on Events in Summer 2001, this is the Story of Mike Sharpe attending three Christian Missionary events, over the course of three weeks. Could he avoid the temptations of Manchester City Centre?

Is it really True?

I was indeed present at the events. I even managed get my “back” photographed during the one of the events, which became part of the Press Materials for a 2003 event ran by The Message Trust, which ran the Third Event.

However I took some liberties, I often combined several people’s actions within the DNA team to a smaller group, mainly for story telling purposes. There was about 30 People on the DNA team, but I just cover few more memorable ones.

About Person in the Hoodie on the Cover?

That would be me, I was actually wearing a red hoodie during the events, mainly during the evening. It does get quite cool standing in the middle of Manchester and Salford.

If you’re wondering, the red hoodie was binned a few years later, and bought a few replacements since.

Where to Buy?

Released Digitally DRM Free at in 2009, currently at “Name your Price.”

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