Goodbye 2016…

… Hello, 2017

Last year, I chose to restart this site in September to partly to help promote my own business. This was partly as I wanted to release The Bar Mage of the Golden Sea in September. While it too longer than I expected I finally got it out.

I also chose to have rule of Posting at least 1 Blog post per week. While I’ve had some slip ups, the I only lost a week was during the run up to Christmas. This was due that I was doing work on fixing a PC and making sure my place was ready for the Holidays.

So Coming up in the next year?

I aim to continue posting a weekly post. Also I aim to get one book out during the year of 2017. I’m not sure if it will be Acacia’s Silence or will be another title.

As for future Posts? I’ve not decided what to post yet. I found that my most popular post in the last 3 months was NEW 3DS Hardware Review that I did in 2015. It’s managed to be the most popular page I’ve made to date. (Seriously, it even out does the home page.) As a result I am inclined to write a regular gaming post every few weeks. As most Posts will be “Time” limited, I can’t really say when or what they will be on. (For the 16th Jan post I can say I hope to be talking about the “full” Switch reveal, but then that’s based on info I already know.)

So hopefully we’ll see a profitable new year.

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