Secret Project Named

I’ve got a problem. This is common among writers except for PG HolyField. I’ve not got enough words. The Tales of The Soju Masters: The Fall(Working Title) is just under 25,000 words. Most Publishers are looking for Novels over 80,000 words. At the moment, I’ve got some editing to do. This will bring the first… Continue reading Secret Project Named

Free Games

No I’m not joking. Valve Software is offering Games for free. What’s the Catch? I hear you say. You’ve got to have a Steam Account and a copy of Steam software. Steam Accounts and software are FREE to register. For one game, you need to act before the 24th May. The other you need NVidia… Continue reading Free Games

I’ve updated the side bars. I’ve added the Über Feed and the Stuff I like Feeds.

Both can be added to a RSS reader of your Choice. In a few cases, there will be links which prevent you from accessing content directly. This is intentional with the Über Feed, as content is may be intended for Mature Audiences Only. In the case of DeviantArt, they will ask you to register as the you need to enable View Adult Content Settings.  Live Journal will ask you to click several links. All the other sites usually do not contain adult imagery and allow you to access it for free.

The Über Feed contains MY content from several of my sources. It also will occasionally have several links to similar blog posts all around this same time, this is intentional. There are links to a few of the sites that I’ve linked in the side bar already.

The Stuff I Like contains stuff that I like, or stuff that I’d like to Share. This will contain Links to other sites often. BBC News and a few other sites will be seen here often.

Also I’ve updated the site Layout a bit.

2001: A Big Nutter Oddity will take some more time. Don’t expect a update until June.


EDIT: Both Feeds were created by Google Reader service, which was withdrawn in June 2013, both feeds are no longer available and subsequently removed.


Pokémon Black & White Cross Generational Transferral

Selection of handheld 3rd and 4th Generation Pokémon games. Photo by Mike Sharpe, March 2009

This Article is speculation. It is not fact. The entire premise of this article is based on second hand information, which I am unable to verify. Pokémon Black? Pokémon White? Pokémon Black and Pokémon White as I write this has just been announce in Japan. The actual reading of the Japanese text is as close… Continue reading Pokémon Black & White Cross Generational Transferral


I said a previous blog post that I was expecting to start publishing the Podcast by late March. It’s now the last day of March, and it’s not ready. My hardware failed on me in the Early March. I’m talking about bad noise and mysterious blue smoke, which is never a good thing. Adam Savage… Continue reading Delays

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