Podcasters I need your help
I’m now working on the Production of the Podcast version of 2001: A Big Nutter Oddity for Podiobooks. I’m expecting a Late March launch, with the Pod cast being competed…
Help A Friend In Need From JCHuthins.net
This is a copy of a Recent Blog Post from JCHutchins.net. He puts it better than I can. I’ve also posted his Podcast episode here. Help A Friend In Need…
Sad News from about my “Mentors”
If I had to say who is one of the people who was instrumental to me making this site it has to be Tee Morris. Whist He didn’t have any…
Geo Tagging
Since Twitter added GeoTagging, the Popular Twitter App TweetDeck now can read them, this is a blog post about Geo-Tagging. What is it? Geo Tagging is a name for geographical…
Update to Graphics
Since it’s less than 15 days to Christmas, I’ve updated some of the Site graphics for the duration. The I’ve replaced “Town of Leigh” and “Keyboard” with “Edmund in a…
NaNoWriMo 09 Progress for MSharpe Backup
Current word count: 9712 (19.42 %) with 0 days left, with current pace, expected to finish in 126 days. Day Written Wordcount Average Pace Projected Wordcount 30 Day Expected 1…
NaNoWriMo Failed
With just over 36 hours left, I’ve come to the realisation that I’m not going to get close to the 25 000 word target, let alone the 50 000 words…
My Twitter Following Guidelines
Here is old blog post from my older writing blog, which is now for previews, and the content is very raw, and could offend. (Some of it did, by the…