I’ve been planning to do this for a while: Write 30 Short stories in 30 days, or a Story a Day.

Similar to NaNoWriMo, which is officially 50,000 word novel in a Month.  This Story A Day challenge is requires a short story written for each day for the month of May.

While official site for this event has no lower or upper limits for either length. While the word count definition has been up for debate, with almost no words being considered lowest, and 7500 words being the highest, set by Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America for the its Short story Nebula award. (This is always the case for defining the word lenth for stuff like this.)

I’ve chosen to aim for 5000 words for a story as a goal for several of these days. My aim is to break 40,000 words in total, for the month.

Due to most of the first week of May being taken up with a few other commitments, I’m clearly going to have a few short days.

One of my commitments will be for the “Taken Wolves of Felwinter” Youtube channel. One of the others, you may see the effects on my Instagram account.

Also The Bar Mage of the Golden Sea will have a Sale on 5/5.

In the Featured image: April 30th is Acacia Latione’s Birthday. Here Sammy and Rachel give Acacia some time away from her day job. While Rachel give Acacia privacy, Acacia gets Sammy to take full advantage of their privacy.

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